Having a photograph on your business card can be one of your best marketing tools (Commercial Photography Poole and Bournemouth)

15th April 2016 Uncategorised 0 Comments

On any given day day you can give out your business card from one to a hundred times. This little piece of cardboard is one of your best marketing tools and yet how much time have you spent on this invaluable tool? With so many business cards flying about at meetings and events, isn’t it important that your card should stand out and help people remember you. Yet unfortunately, too many people have business cards that simply blend in with all the rest of the bland cards out there.

One of the ways to help your card stand you and help people remember you is to have your photograph on it, now I dont mean a truely awful photograph of you, that looks amateur, but a proper one that looks professional and helps you look like you are professional and a safe bet to work with.

Working with John New from John New Creative we created a series of business cards for GKD Technik, the aim was to completely rebrand and reposition the company as part of its expansion into markets worldwide, the results I think speak for themselves.

