Petrified Frost tree (black and white landscape photography)
This magic tree is near to me in Holton Lee, a nature reserve in Dorset. Nestled in a hollow it rises up, as you round a corner and in Sumer or Winter, it always looks amazing. It is a wonderful old oak tree, at least two hundred years old and has has been this incredible petrified state for at least 15 years.
I love it in all seasons, but it is at its most magical on a freezing frosty morning. I passed it on such a day, when there was also an early morning mist, giving rise to this special image. Though my fingers were freezing as I took photograph the result was worth it! Converting it into black and white, completed the image and it captures the beauty of cold crisp Winter mornings.
For a little Christmas diversion, I would recommend a book I am reading ‘The Secret Life of Trees’ by Colin Tudge which has totally inspired me to learn and appreciate more about trees. A walk in the woods will become an even more fascinating experience! 07450 866977